1. Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit | Eye Filmmuseum
Nieuwe release | Rooney Mara stars in this wonderfully filmed indictment of the abuse of kitchen staff in New York who are often illegal aliens. 12:30 ...
Master documentary maker Thomas Heise (Fatherland) explores his family’s archive in this compelling film essay. Spanning four generations, the archive reflects the drastic cultural and political changes that swept through Germany in the previous century, all of which are subtly and impressively highlighted by Heise.

2. Heimat is a Space in Time | Rotten Tomatoes
Filmmaker Thomas Heise examines nearly 100 years of German history through the prism of his own complex genealogy.
Filmmaker Thomas Heise examines nearly 100 years of German history through the prism of his own complex genealogy, drawing on letters, diaries and other documents from throughout the 20th century.
3. Heimat is a Space in Time (2019) Review | Cinema Austriaco
26 feb 2019 · The story of Germany (and partly Austria) in the 20th century, which intersects with the story of four generations of Heise's family.
From Heimat is a Space in Time we can see great pain, strong nostalgia and great love for roots, family and homeland.

4. HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME - European Film Academy
HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME picks up the biographical pieces of a family torn apart through the end of the 19th and into the 20th century.
HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME picks up the biographical pieces of a family torn apart through the end of the 19th and into the 20th century. It is about people who by chance found each other, only then to lose each other. Now it is their descendants, their children and grandchildren who are beginning to disappear. This is all about speaking and silence. First love and happiness lost. Fathers and mothers, sons and brothers, the affairs, the hurt and the joy in landscapes of transition – each bearing the intertwining hallmarks of their times. A collage of images, sounds, letters, diaries, notes, voices, fragments of time and space. HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME is a journey of reflection of time and the love held within using sounds, images and language. Yet some of it shall remain forever lost.
5. Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit - Full Cast & Crew - TV Guide
Bevat niet: english | Resultaten tonen met:english
Learn more about the full cast of Heimat is a Space in Time with news, photos, videos and more at TV Guide

6. Heimat is a Space in Time (2019) - Cinema Paradiso
Actors: Thomas Heise; Directors: Thomas Heise; Writers: Thomas Heise; Aka: Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit; Genres: Documentary, Special Interest; Countries ...
Heimat is a Space in Time (aka Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit) (2019) film. Heise's latest, 'Heimat is a Space in Time', is a monumental work that traces four generations of his family's archives, from the 19th century to the present - their intimate stories revealing the larger cultural and political events that have ...
7. Heimat Is a Space in Time (2019) - Letterboxd
Bevat niet: english | Resultaten tonen met:english
Director Thomas Heise picks up the biographical pieces left by his family, and composes an epic picture of four generations of his family, of a country, of a century.

Bevat niet: actors | Resultaten tonen met:actors
HEIMAT IST EIN RAUM AUS ZEIT picks up the biographical pieces of a family torn apart through the end of the 19th and into the 20th century. It is about people who by chance found each other, only then to lose each other. Now it is their descendants,...

9. Heimat is a Space in Time: a sprawling history of 20th-century ...
19 nov 2019 · Director Thomas Heise's family take centre-stage in this intimate essay film that documents a turbulent time with a warm and personal touch.
Director Thomas Heise's family take centre-stage in this intimate essay film that documents a turbulent time with a warm and personal touch, writes Jordan Cronk.

10. HEIMAT IST EIN RAUM AUS ZEIT - Torino Film Festival
“Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit is a journey of reflection of time and the love held within using sounds, images and language. Yet some of it shall remain forever ...
11. Full cast of Heimat Ist ein Raum aus Zeit (Movie, 2019) - MovieMeter.com
When you click on the name of an actor, actress or director from the movie Heimat Ist ein Raum aus Zeit-cast you can watch more movies and/or series by him or ...
Full overview of all actors and actresses in the film Heimat Ist ein Raum aus Zeit (2019)

12. Online Film Screening: Heimat is a Space in Time - Goethe Institut
4 dec 2020 · Director: Thomas Heise, 2019, Germany/Austria, 218 min. ... German with English and French subtitles. Heimat is a Space in Time was awarded best ...
See AlsoSaran Shakthi Dating 2020Fri, 10/02/2020 - Fri, 12/04/2020

13. Heimat Is a Space in Time (2019) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
You can help by adding some! Login to Edit Cast & Crew. Social. Reviews 0 ... Original Title Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit. Status Released. Original ...
Director Thomas Heise picks up the biographical pieces left by his family, and composes an epic picture of four generations of his family, of a country, of a century.

14. Doc Film Review: 'Heimat is a Space in Time' | by Anli Serfontein - Medium
6 jul 2019 · He received the award endowed with 20,000 euros, in Stuttgart on June 28, 2019, for his film “Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit” (Heimat is a Space ...
A Century of German History Mirrors the History of one East-Berlin Family

15. A Conversation with Thomas Heise (HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME)
16 jan 2020 · I met with German director Thomas Heise (Condition) on Saturday, September 7, 2019, at the Toronto International Film Festival, ...
I met with German director Thomas Heise (Condition) on Saturday, September 7, 2019, at the Toronto International Film Festival, to discuss his new documentary, Heimat Is a Space in Time (which I also reviewed). The the film will be opening theatrical via Icarus Films in New York and Los Angeles on M

16. Heimat is a Space in Time - TheTVDB.com
TheTVDB.com Movie ID 74575 · Status Released · Released Worldwide February 9, 2019 · Runtime 218 minutes · Genres Documentary · Original Country Austria · Original ...
Thomas Heise taucht in vier Generationen seines eigenen Familienarchivs ein, um die tiefgreifenden kulturellen und politischen Umwälzungen des letzten deutschen Jahrhunderts zu verfolgen.
17. Heimat Is a Space in Time (2019) | IDFA Archive
Bevat niet: english actors
What traces of the past have survived into the here and now? In this epic essay film, Thomas Heise explores this question using documents from his family’s archive, including letters, journals, photographs, high school essays written by his ancestors, and even unfinished resumes. In four parts, he presents the hundred-year narrative of his family, and with it his homeland of Germany—from the economic collapse of the Weimar Republic through two world wars to Heise’s own youth in East Germany.Heise reads the documents in voice-over. Sometimes we see the documents themselves, but more often his words are accompanied by impressive black-and-white images of the places mentioned by the family—not as they were then, but as they are now. Subway stations thronged with the good citizenry. Simple row houses. A now derelict concentration camp. No matter how everyday or banal the subjects of the letters may sometimes be, this “guilty landscape” holds the focus on a greater reality, one that was often beyond the full comprehension of Heise’s family.

18. Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit - Cinecitta
Bevat niet: (2019) actors
In dit meeslepende filmessay duikt meester-documentairemaker Thomas Heise (Vaterland) in zijn familiearchieven die vier generaties omspannen. Deze weerspiegelen de diepgaande culturele en politieke omwentelingen in het Duitsland van de vorige eeuw, die Heise op even subtiele als indrukwekkende wijze laat zien. Heise's briljante essayfilm bevat brieven en dagboeken die hij in voice-over voorleest, aangevuld met zwart-witbeelden van Duitse landschappen, alledaagse plekken en beladen locaties. Heise's nieuwste, Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit, is een monumentaal werk over de 20e eeuw tot nu - de intieme verhalen van zijn familie onthullen de grotere culturele en politieke gebeurtenissen die Duitsland de afgelopen honderd jaar hebben gevormd.
19. Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit - | Berlinale |
Bevat niet: english actors
Berlin International Film Festival - official website

20. Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit - AUSTRIAN FILMS
Bevat niet: actors | Resultaten tonen met:actors
Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit folgt den biografischen Spuren einer zerrissenen Familie über das 20. Jahrhundert hin. Menschen, die einst zufällig zueinander fanden, dann zerrissen wurden. Deren verbliebene Kinder, Enkel jetzt verschwinden. Es geht um Sprechen und Schweigen. Väter Söhne Brüder Mütter. Verletzung und Glück. Erzählt vor dem Hintergrund gegenwärtigen Geschehens an zentralen Knotenpunkten zweier Städte: Wien und Berlin, die Bahnhöfe Praterstern und Ostkreuz. Zeiten, die einander durchwuchern. Eine Collage aus Bildern, Tönen, Dokumenten, Geräuschen, Stimmen, Fragmenten.

21. HEIMAT IST EIN RAUM AUS ZEIT - Torino Film Festival
Cast. & Credits. thomas heise. HEIMAT IST EIN RAUM AUS ZEIT Germania-Austria/Germany-Austria, 2019, 218', bn/bw-col. heimat is a space in time regia ...
22. Cinema Archive Detail - Page 51 of 330 - Arsenal
February 2019. Caligari Award for "Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit". HEIMAT IST EIN RAUM AUS ZEIT (Heimat Is A Space in Time) by Thomas Heise is the winner of ...
Several films presented as part of the Berlinale Forum and Forum Expanded have been digitally restored and are now available at arsenal distribution: EGARO MILE (Eleven Miles, India 1991) and TALES FROM PLANET KOLKATA (India 1993) by Ruchir Joshi, NUESTRA VOZ DE TIERRA, MEMORIA Y FUTURO (Our Voice of Earth, Memory and Future, Columbia 1981) by Marta Rodríguez and Jorge Silva, THE SECOND JOURNEY (TO ULURU) (Australia 1981) by Arthur and Corinne Cantrill, TAMBAKU CHAAKILA OOB ALI (India 1982), IDHI KATHA MATRAMENA (India 1983) by Deepa Dhanraj as well as seven Sudanese short films: three by Ibrahim Shaddad – JAGDPARTIE (DDR 1964), JAMAL (Sudan 1981) and AL HABIL 1985 (Sudan 1985) – three by Eltayeb Mahdi – AL DHAREEH (Egypt 1977), AL MAHATTA (Sudan 1989) and ARBA’A MARAT LIL-ATFAL (Sudan 1979) – as well as WA LAKIN ALARDH TADUR (USSR 1978) by Suliman Elnour.

23. Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit | Eye Filmmuseum
Bevat niet: english | Resultaten tonen met:english
In dit meeslepende filmessay duikt meester-documentairemaker Thomas Heise (Vaterland) in zijn familiearchieven die vier generaties omspannen. Deze weerspiegelen de diepgaande culturele en politieke omwentelingen in het Duitsland van de vorige eeuw, die Heise op even subtiele als indrukwekkende wijze laat zien.